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Selectmen's Meeting Minutes 04/23/07
April 24th, 2007

Selectmen Meeting Minutes
April 23, 2007

Present: B. Pratt, M. Genest, S. Schacht, W. Prokop, M. Beauchamp, B. Brown, C. Brown.

1. The selectmen approved the minutes of the meeting of April 16th.

2. The selectmen postponed the discussion with the Fire Department officers due to the fire in Dublin that required our department to be there. The meeting is re-scheduled for Monday, May 7th.

The selectmen expressed their thanks to the Fire Department for all the help that the Fire Department and the ambulance squad provided during the flooding. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.

3. The selectmen were updated on the flood damages that occurred last week by the Town Administrator. Seventeen roads were affected; all roads are now open and final grading, etc. are being completed this week. Estimated damages are expected to be in excess of $100,000.00. If FEMA funding is approved, we should be eligible to recover about 75% of our total cost. In addition, we need to thank our Highway Department, Water & Sewer Department, and our Police Department for all the hard work and extra efforts put in by everyone.

Furthermore, we need as a town to recognize the need to have local sources of supply for gravel, stone, sand, and other minerals. We were blocked, due to flooding, from the Tri-Town Landfill where our gravel is located. We owe a thank you to Landsite Corporation, LLC. And S. R. Jones Excavation for all the support and assistance they provided the Town during this emergency. Their equipment, personnel, and materials were critical for us to get our roads back in a safe condition so quickly.

This is our fourth flood emergency in four (4) years, and our departments and our local contractors got us through these situations in the most cost effective ways possible. The condition of our roads and our cost to repair them was significantly less than many other communities our size.

Selectman Schacht stated that his wife was told by Hillsborough dispatch that at 10:00 p.m., on Tuesday, April 17th, Antrim police coverage was being provided by the State Police. ( In checking with Chief Feyrer it was found that an Antrim officer was on duty until 2:00 a.m. on the 18th. He is checking with dispatch as to why this statement was made and will advise).

4. The Town Administrator advised the selectmen of receipt of the following information and letters:

A. Department of Environmental Services: Administrative approval of work to be done on the Weir located just of route 31; Approval of work to be done on North Main Street bridge; and Administrative approval for the work to be done at White Birch Point.

B. A meeting to be held by SWRPC on May 11th in Keene, regarding Brownfield’s Programs.

                C. Department of Revenue letter regarding the revised assessed values
                For the Town –now at $285,000,000 and increase of over $30,000,000
                from last year.

                D. Department of Transportation regarding the Phase II, TE grant and the
                Revised contract.

                E. The concern about future NH Retirement Medical Subsidy
                requirements that will be mandated under GASB 45 Federal Accounting
                regulations. This could have major impact on how all municipalities
                record pension and medical liabilities.

4. The Teen Center was discussed. The overall operation of the center will be the responsibility of the Grapevine Family Services. This includes all cost and management except for the $6,000.00 that was voted at Town meeting. The contract for the space will be with the Town and will have the required appropriation escape clause. The contract will be reviewed the week of May 7th. It was noted that the Planning Board is requiring a minor site plan review due to the change in use.

5. The selectmen reviewed the letter from the Town of Bennington regarding the Antrim Recreation Departments use of Sawyer Field in Bennington. It appears that the Antrim Recreation Director has worked out a field use schedule with Bennington. If there are any further concerns this can be discussed when both boards meet to discuss the Tri-Town Landfill.

6. The selectmen reviewed miscellaneous correspondence that was received and approved Payroll and A/P for the week.

The selectmen voted at 8:20 p.m. to go into non-public session to discuss some personnel issues under RSA 91A.3.

The selectmen returned to the public session at 8:45 p.m. and voted to seal the minutes of the non-public session.

The meeting adjourned at 9:00 P.M.

The next Selectmen’s meeting will be Monday, May 7th, at 7:00 p.m. and the agenda will be a presentation from LGC regarding police certification and what it means to Towns and a meeting with the Fire Department officers to review inspection plans, and I.S.O. certification.